A science-backed water for longevity and mitochondrial health.
Launching Q3 2024
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100 Water is the world’s first low-cost light water.

20% less 2H / Heavy Hydrogen — a stable isotope of Hydrogen that has shown to have profound impacts on aging, DNA damage, mental health, tumorous growths, and ATP output.
Stabilized O2 oxygen in the water hits the bloodstream in minutes, escalating SPO2 levels to 99% +giving an immediate burst of mental + physical energy for 1-2 hours.

Light Water

‘Light Water’ refers to water that’s low in Heavy Hydrogen, or 2H.

2H is an isotope of Hydrogen that’s 2x the weight and 2x the size of Hydrogen atoms. It’s found everywhere in nature and is not a toxin.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in our bodies.

Because of this fact, when we have too high of a concentration of Heavy Hydrogen / 2H in the body, it causes disruptions in:
Mitochondrial functioning
ATP output
DNA structures
Biochemical reactions
Dozens of studies have shown that reducing levels of 2H in the body has a profound impact on human biology.

The Studies

→ Retrospective study found 3x – 7x increase in Median Survival Time in 2,222 cancer patients treated with low-2H water

→ Random Double Blind Phase II Clinical Trial found increase in MST + lifespan extension in prostate cancer patients
Study participants drinking light water:

→ Improved ATP levels in blood 238%

→ Improved Athletic Performance 21% (RDI) – 29% (OI)
→ Cells given TNF-Alpha and light water showed a 29.5% decrease in single-strand DNA breaks from the Control, suggesting an activation of DSB DNA repair.

→ Significantly increased some markers of redox imbalance in blood components (superoxide anion-radical production, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities), suggesting mitohormesis.

Mitohormesis has increasingly been studied as a therapeutic for aging.
→ Light water ameliorated stress-induced depressive-like changes in mice, comparable to Citalopram SSRI.

→ Several markers of anxiety were reduced in Mice after 3 weeks of light water.
Low-2H water stimulated GLUT4 Translocation in diabetic mice — a key enzyme in the role of blood sugar levels.

More Info

The cheapest light water on the market currently retails for ~$12 per Liter. 100 Water will retail for under $4 per Liter, making it commercially viable for the first time.
Human3’s proprietary process is the first to produce light water at low-cost. Traditional production methods are energy-intensive and expensive.

The process also includes a method for stabilizing oxygen in the water. Other oxygenated waters lose their oxygen quickly after the bottle is opened.
100 Water is 100ppm 2H. Almost all other types of water (RO, Distilled, Alkaline, Spring, etc.) sit in the 140ppm-150ppm range. The ideal range for the body is under 130ppm.
100 Water is mineralized with Fulvic Humic minerals, a complete and bioavailable mineral source.
100 Water is structured by Annalemma, an emerging water structuring technology that's shown to improve ATP levels in the blood.
100 Water contains 20ppm of pure dissolved oxygen, stabilized so that it doesn't dissipate upon opening.